About Me

Welcome to Mohamed marzouk’s “ モハメド マルゾーク” website.

My story begins in 2005, when I enrolled in the Faculty of Science at Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt. In my first year as an undergraduate, I studied chemistry, physics, mathematics, and biology. Meanwhile, my grandfather died after a long battle with cancer, which was one of the primary reasons I chose biophysics as my B.Sc. major. Since then, I've known that I want to devote my life to cancer research in order to one day help others all over the world in their fight against this fatal disease. In 2009, I graduated as the top biophysics student and the top physics department student, with a graduation project on Intensity-modulated radiation therapy, one of the most advanced types of radiation therapy used to treat cancer ( IMRT).

My academic career began in 2010 when the biophysics group in the physics department hired me as a demonstrator to help students with their laboratory work and physics assignments. I started my M.Sc. at Ain Shams University in 2012, where I learned laboratory molecular genetics techniques like ( PCR) and ( RT-PCR), which improved my understanding of DNA and protein structure and dynamics. I realized at the time that experimental research moves slowly, whereas computational research moves faster. Rather than conducting experimental research, I believed that computational biology could help me realize my dream of assisting millions of cancer patients around the world. As a result, I decided to study computational molecular dynamics for a Ph.D.

The Egypt-Japan Education Partnership ( EJEP) awarded me a scholarship in 2019 to begin my Ph.D. at School of Life Sciences and Technology , Tokyo Institute of Technology . In my Ph.D. research, I used one of the enhanced sampling techniques called parallel cascade selection molecular dynamics ( PaCS-MD) in combination with the Markov state model ( MSM) to investigate biological slow processes such as binding/unbinding (for protein-DNA and protein-ligand) and open/close for protein binding pockets.

After graduation in 2022, I began working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Molecular Modeling and Simulation ( MMS) Team at the National Institute of Quantum Science and Technology ( QST) in Chiba, Japan. I am currently working on a project to quantify protein stability and predict the effect of mutations, which has important implications for protein engineering and drug design. Specifically, the effect of addition/deletion mutations and salt bridges mutations on protein stability was investigated using alchemical transformation and one of the enhanced sampling techniques known as replica exchange with solute tempering ( REST) in combination with free-energy perturbation ( FEP) to predict the stability indicator free energy difference (∆∆G).

Away from my academic life, my passion for sports and active living has done wonders for my physical health. On weekends, I enjoy swimming, and I recently began playing tennis, which has been one of my lifelong passions. I am also a fantastic football player who plays once a week with QST institute researchers.



  1. Mohamed Marzouk Sobeh & Akio Kitao (2022). Dissociation pathways of the p53 DNA binding domain from DNA and critical roles of key residues elucidated by dPaCS-MD/MSM. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 62(5), 1294–1307. link
  2. Hiroaki Hata, Duy Phuoc Tran, Mohamed Marzouk Sobeh & Akio Kitao (2021). Binding free energy of protein/ligand complexes calculated using dissociation parallel cascade selection molecular dynamics and markov state model. Biophysics and Physicobiology, 18(0), 305–316. link

Presentations & Proceedings

  1. Mohamed Marzouk Sobeh, Shun Sakuraba & Kono Hidetoshi (2022.11.14). Predicting the Effect of Addition/Deletion Mutations on Protein Stability by REST/FEP. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting progress FY2022 of AMED Fundamental Drug Discovery Technology Development Project for Realising Next Generation Therapy and Diagnosis, Poster, Kobe University Integrated Research Centre, Kobe University, Japan. poster PDF
  2. Mohamed Marzouk Sobeh (2021.9.16). Investigating the dissociation process and binding free energy of the p53-DBD/DNA complex by PaCS-MD and MSM In Proceedings of The Third International Online Conference on Molecular Modeling and Spectroscopy, Short presentation, Online Conference, Giza, Egypt. watch talk, talk PDF
  3. Mohamed Marzouk Sobeh & Akio Kitao (2021.6.16). Investigating the dissociation process and binding free energy of the p53-DBD/DNA complex by PaCS-MD and MSM. In Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Protein Science Society of Japan, Poster, Online Conference, Tokyo, Japan. poster PDF
  4. Mohamed Marzouk Sobeh & Akio Kitao (2021.4.28). Investigating the dissociation process and binding energy of the p53-DBD/DNA complex by PaCS-MD and MSM. In Proceedings of WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Advanced Physical and Computational Techniques to Investigate Protein Dynamics, Poster, Online Conference via MeetAnyway, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. poster PDF
  5. Mohamed Marzouk Sobeh & Akio Kitao (2020.9.18). Investigating the dissociation process of the p53-DBD/DNA complex by PaCS-MD and MSM. In Proceedings of The 58th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society of Japan (BSJ), Poster, Online Conference, Tokyo, Japan.